Heading North....soon

Sometimes I feel like an Arctic tern. This bird travels every year from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again to the Arctic. After nearly 4 months in New Zealand and various adventures, winter is on the doorstep and it is now time again for me to open my wings again and head north.

Fulfilling an old dream I will be heading to Canada to Banff and Jasper National Park. Too many pictures seen off radiant blue lakes and snowy mountains, time to check of i is real. A short holiday, before I will join the ship in Longyearbyen,Svalbard  to start my guiding season in the Arctic mid June.

A short visit in Germany will allow me to catch up with family and friends before heading  to Northeast Greenland ad Iceland. A special treat will be the return journey from Longyearbyen via the Bear Island to Tromsoe. And with a huge amount of luck I might be able to photograph an aurora during a short stay in the aurora capital of Norway.

Here are some pictures of my time in New Zealand